Celebration Cocoa Crate


Celebration Cocoa Crate includes:

  • 1 x Milky Bar Slab
  • 1 x Cadbury whispers
  • 1 x Cadbury Whole Nut Slab
  • 2 x Kit Kat
  • 1 x Aero
  • 3 Ferrero Rochers
  • 2 Twix
  • 1 x  18inch Happy Birthday Balloon


Celebrate in style with the Celebration Cocoa Crate! This delightful package includes a Milky Bar Slab, Cadbury Whispers, Cadbury Whole Nut Slab, Kit Kat, Aero, Ferrero Rochers, Twix, and an 18-inch Happy Birthday Balloon. The perfect gift for any chocolate lover’s birthday.

Celebration Cocoa Crate includes:

  • 1 x Milky Bar Slab
  • 1 x Cadbury whispers
  • 1 x Cadbury Whole Nut Slab
  • 2 x Kit Kat
  • 1 x Aero
  • 3 Ferrero Rochers
  • 2 Twix
  • 1 x  18inch Happy Birthday Balloon

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